How can I configure Outlook 2010 to save deleted items to the Gmail/All Mail folder instead of the Gmail/Trash folder?

I have two computers, both with Outlook 2010 installed. Using the same Gmail account simultaneously on two different computers, Computer A saves deleted messages to the Gmail/Trash folder, while computer B saves deleted messages to the Gmail/All Mail folder. Because both computers have these different behaviors using the same gmail account, I believe this is behavior is caused by a setting in outlook.

Additionally, computer A has a trashcan icon next to the Gmail/Trash folder

enter image description here

while computer B has the trashcan icon next to the Gmail/All Mail folder. Note these are occurring simultaneously using the same gmail account.

enter image description here

How can I control this behavior?

1 Answer 1


To set the folder for Deleted items, go to File -> Account Settings and double click on the IMAP account. Click More Settings then follow the Deleted Items tab to make your selection.

  • that solves it, thx Commented May 5, 2015 at 15:28

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