Is it possible to use an NAS system as a regular non-network storage? IE: plugging a cable from it to a computer, and then being able to use all the drives as if they where an external one, without the latency of using wireless connection.

  • Why not use a wired network connection? Most of our servers at work use network-attached storage over 1GB or 10GB Ethernet, works pretty well.
    – dsolimano
    Commented Apr 18, 2015 at 19:13
  • Why does the latency matter to you? What do you intend to do that is latency dependent? Or is it just for info?
    – fswings
    Commented Apr 18, 2015 at 19:45

1 Answer 1


No. That is not the role of a NAS equipment. What you are describing it's called Direct-attached storage or DAS.


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