The program sudenly started playing all videos very stretched or zoomed, not even changing the pan/scan, zoom and the like works. I re-installed my video drivers, CCCP and MPC-HC. But it persists. The programs behaves like the stretched picture is the standard video size.


1 Answer 1


You might have accidentally hit a keyboard combination for a zoom effect. Note that with NumLock on, the Number Keypad affects postion and zoom. Right-click on the screen while playing a video, and note that there are multiple pop-up menu items affecting zoom and aspect ratio:

  1. Zoom: proportional size
  2. Video Frame: both zoom level and aspect ratio, which appears to be the issue you experience
  3. Pan & Scan: Also affects aspect ratio

You may need to experiment with the last two settings, or choose Reset where available, to resolve the issue.

Though I really like MPC-HC, the plethora of menu items can be confusing!

BTW, MPC-HC inherits from MPC, but Media Player Classic (not Home Cinema) is a different application.

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