Recently, my PC started having an issue. sppsvc would fail to load. When trying to manually initiate it, I would get an Error 5: Access is Denied message.

Now, I used EventVwr and Process Monitor to see what's going on. This suspicious little message made me wonder:

Upon exploring that file, I realized that something was horribly wrong. I can't copy it or do anything to it without needing admin permissions which would always loop ("You need permission from Administrator" > "You need permission from NETWORK SERVICE"). Doing additional testing, I figured out that I can't even open the file. It's like it's just there but can't have anything done to it.

I tried fixing permissions myself. Output of ICACLS on this file:

C:\Windows\System32\spp\store\2.0>ICACLS data.dat
data.dat BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
         NT SERVICE\sppsvc:(F)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files


I am unsure on how to proceed. I am also unsure if this file even really exists. What would happen if I were to delete it?

Yes, I know that "reinstalling Windows" would probably be the best option, but it is one I am not able to do. I am willing to do anything to my system as long as:

  1. I never format the OS
  2. I don't expose myself to every virus ever made in the history of ever.


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