I have PC1 (local IP address running a CentOS virtual machine with a “bridge mode” Ethernet connection.

TheCentOS virtual machine has an IP on the same network (, Internet connection, and is accessible from PC1 (the host machine) through SSH.

However from PC2 ( I cannot SSH into the CentOS virtual machine at, nor see the webserver. The firewall on PC1 and on virtual machine has been disabled.

ssh -v just hangs on “Connecting” and I can't ping it either.

Any idea what is happening or how I can troubleshoot it?

PS: I don’t think it matters, but the virtual machine is running in Parallels on a Mac and I am trying to access it from another Mac.

  • not a programming question. check out what fits better: stackexchange.com/sites#
    – Tobias Knauss
    Commented Mar 6, 2015 at 16:30
  • @tobia yes sorry, just too many stackexchange sites opened in my browser, wrong tab....-)
    – Glasnhost
    Commented Mar 6, 2015 at 17:39

1 Answer 1


I let the ping go while writing the question.

After some minutes suddenly it started to ping...

It seems that it just takes some time to be recognized. I was able to reproduce it putting the PC1 to sleep an on again.

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