I have an Atom-based mini PC used as a Linux server that I usually don't connect a display to. When I do, it's an old CRT monitor via VGA. The console shows up just fine, and eventually I can log on on the console. (I don't run any X11 or such on it, just terminal)

However, when I instead connect a more modern flat panel via its VGA port:

  1. Grub displays just fine
  2. The part of the boot output that (I think) is the initial ramdisk displays just fine
  3. Then the display goes dark. I tried all sorts of things but I cannot see anything on the display from this point.

To make things even stranger: if I boot with the CRT display connected, and after the boot is complete, I unplug the CRT and connect the flat panel, stuff gets displayed on the flat panel!

What's going on here? How can I use my flat planel without the CRT's help?

1 Answer 1


It works if I add


to the kernel boot arguments.

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