I'm on Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.

I ripped a CD as MP3s onto my C drive, into My Music. I imported them into my Windows Media Player library. They played fine.

As my C drive is an SSD, I then moved them onto a 4TB external drive, to E:\# Music\, and deleted the WMP library items, and added E:\# Music to my WMP Library.

When I double-click on an individual MP3 in Windows Explorer in E:\# Music\, I receive the error:

Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted.

What gives? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


Take a look at How to fix “Windows media player cannot find the file” error :

enter image description here

  • Firstly you should close Windows Media Player.
  • After that you should stop media sharing service. For that you should click on Start, then select Control Panel, Large Icons, Administrative Tools, Services. Right-click on the “Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service” and choose Stop.
  • Open the following directory: “C:\Users\”your username”\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Media Player“. Find and delete there files with the names CurrentDatabase_.wmdb and LocalMLS_.wmdb.
  • Then you can start the Media Sharing Service
  • Then you can restart Windows Media Player.
  • 1
    Beautiful. Thanks duDE! Any idea why the db becomes corrupt?
    – Steve
    Commented Feb 5, 2015 at 13:48
  • You are welcome, Steve! Sorry, no idea, another one windows' bug ;) Commented Feb 5, 2015 at 14:01

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