A couple of months ago I installed IntelliJ IDEA on my Windows 7 development computer. I also installed Maven.

Unfortunately I provided IntelliJ with the wrong path to Maven. Now it seems to be impossible to correct my mistake. I can't reconfigure IntelliJ IDEA with the correct settings to Maven and make my changes persistent, i. e. there is no Save-changes button?

enter image description here

Just pressing OK (or Apply followed by OK) doesn't seem to make IntelliJ remember the settings when it is restarted.

Will I always be doomed to keep my original, error-prone settings, or is there any way to deal with this obstacle? How can I save my new settings?

1 Answer 1


I'm pretty sure the hint is on your screenshot:

"M2_HOME is used by default".

Check your System paths:

  1. Select Computer from the Start menu
  2. Choose System Properties from the context menu
  3. Click Advanced system settings > Advanced tab
  4. Click on Environment Variables
  5. Under System Variables, find PATH, and click on it.
  6. Click on the Edit button, find the M2_HOME entry and change the path to the directory you want it to be.
  • Thank's for this! I believe you got me on the track:. My problems were two: *I did exactly what you said but still no luck *I unchecked the "override" box (according to my picture) and the problem was solved. I mark your answer as correct.
    – Hauns TM
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 20:56
  • 1
    Although this answer was accepted, it seems like this is not actually resolving the problem. Why have a settings window if the app is just going to override them from environment vars anyway?
    – Alex
    Commented Jun 27, 2016 at 18:18

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