I'm having a problem with Excel 2013.

I have a spreadsheet filled with names and related information for applicants. When I contact the applicants, I highlight the cells (using the fill tool) so I know I've contacted them.

Here's the problem: if I have all my names highlighted, and I add more data, then after I tab or enter out of that new cell, Excel automatically applies highlighting. How can I get that to stop.

Summary of steps:

  1. Work in spreadsheet containing rows of data that has been highlighted using the fill tool. (Let's say that data is in rows 2-10 with a header row).
  2. Select cell A11.
  3. Type in new data.
  4. Hit "Tab" to move to the next cell.
  5. PROBLEM: Excel automatically applies the fill to A11 (and to A12, A13, etc. as I tab out of them).

Is there a setting to change that will prevent this behavior?

  • 2
    I believe the option you want to turn off is in Excel Options (Alt+F, T) then choose Advanced from the left-hand side and finally uncheck Extend data range formats and formulas from the top Editing options section on the right.
    – user385793
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 18:28
  • I know it doesn't help directly with your question, but I like to add in a column and check off the rows completed. That why if I want to pivot the data I can easily filter by the ones completed or not. Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 17:25


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