I came across this tool called vagrant up and in the documentation it points to a list of freely available virtual machine images which includes windows. Does that mean that we can run windows for free? It seemed too good to be true to me and that's why I'm asking. Is it a stripped down version of windows that they provide?

  • 2
    The images may be free, the licenses aren't.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jan 20, 2015 at 12:45

2 Answers 2


No, Windows is not free.

Just read the descriptions of of the VMs on the link you provided says they are Windows Server trial/test versions. They will only work for a short amount of time.

MS does offer VMs of various Windows OSs for testing as well, but they run only for a limited time.


No. There is no free Windows. They may provide images but you must provide licenses.

As for licensing options it gets complicated with Microsoft, so I suggest you call them and ask about your options.

I also suggest you create your own image if you purchase licenses as you can never know what kind of installation media they used, and it's most likely out of date.

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