I have a Asus Eee pc 1011px netbook which it had an original windows 7 starter installed on it ! It had 16 GB partition for windows recovery ! it was working well, until I wnated to install ubuntu next to windows ! so I tried to separate 10 GB to install Ubuntu I did it by Windows "Disk management" and after that i tried to "create a new partition" but the created partition was the recovery partition !

after restart when I wnat to boot with windows 7 it says : "Press Alt + Ctl + del " to restart ! in a black page !

when I boot system with a live ubuntu I see that the windows partion have not changed at all ! anyway I tried to install new windows 7 ! so I created an .ISO file from an windos disk (that im sure that works good ) and by RUFUS software i created an bootable usb and I boot system and tried to instal windows but when I want to select partition to install windows , it says :

" No drivers were found.Clic Load Driver to Provide a mass storage driver for installation "

For a week I searched many manners for this problem and i download many drivers from asus support but Problem is still remaning ! please help me and give me sure answer

  • Do you have your Windows product key? The product key for my Asus Zenbook is printed on the power supply.
    – PFitz
    Commented Jan 14, 2015 at 16:10
  • Was it able to load the storage driver and identify the drive to install to once loaded?
    – Optichip
    Commented Jan 14, 2015 at 16:12
  • @PFitz under the notbook there is a pruduct key , but Im not sure is that windows pruduct key or not ! what shal i do if it is ?
    – SoheilYou
    Commented Jan 14, 2015 at 16:20
  • @Optichip what do you mean of "storage" ? It identify the usb flash and runs windows setup , but does not identify hard disc
    – SoheilYou
    Commented Jan 14, 2015 at 16:21
  • 1
    @SoheilYou If you go through the installation of Windows 7 and you get to the part where it asks you what drive to install on, no drive is listed but you have the option to install a driver, at that point, you put in the USB stick that has the driver on it that you want to use, select it, the driver loads, then you put your Windows 7 usb stick back in and complete the install. This is the driver I'm referring to.
    – Optichip
    Commented Jan 14, 2015 at 16:24

1 Answer 1


Finally I could fix it :) ! I'll say my manner for other people who have this problem ! after a lot of efforts finally I booted my netbook by a Ubuntu 11.10 live USB and I installed ubuntu in withot seetiing partitions manualy , and ubuntu erased my hard disk compeeltly and after that i booted my netbook by windows 7 usb and after that windows setup was able to identify my hard and installed windows 7 successfully ! realy tnx for dear @Optichip :)

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