I just purchased an external hard drive and was thinking about moving my movie backups over to it. The problem with this is that I didn't really take the time to organize my movie backups to begin with so I have various movie folders (different languages) all stacked up in a number of folders.

I was thinking of maybe creating a script that copies specific folders in X directory and move it to Y directory on the external. I don't mind getting the folder directories and copying / pasting it.

Is there any way I can do this?


Original Folders:




Move to external hard drive E:\Hollywood\1985

2 Answers 2


Everything is what you need. Search By path. Then Ctrl Select folders, Press Ctrl+C, Press Ctrl+V in target folder. Done.

  • 1
    Everything is a wonderful tool if you know the name of what you are looking for. Use it all the time.
    – Matt
    Commented Dec 24, 2014 at 5:42

In PowerShell you could just have a couple simple lines

$paths = "C:\Users\Bob\Movies\Whatever1","C:\Users\Bob\Movies\Whatever2","C:\Users\Bob\Movies\Whatever3"
$targetDirectory = "E:\Hollywood\1985"
$paths | ForEach-Object{
    Copy-Item $_ $targetDirectory

Every path in $paths is run in a loop where it gets copied to $targetDirectory. You could change Copy-Item to Move-Item but having a copy is better that just moving them to the external drive since that is a single point of failure.

Also a good tool I use for stuff like this is FreeCommander since it supports double pane view. Makes it easy to copy files from one directory to another.

enter image description here

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