I have a Dell xps17 (windows 7) and I find the brightness control very annoying.

I often work during night time and the lower settings is fine but if I increase the brightness settings by just one step, the brightness is way to strong. I went in Windows mobility center and it seems I can only increase the brightness by steps of 6. I have seen this question but it's very old (2011) and the guy didn't receive an answer except "it's impossible", which seems outdated because I have found this software Adjust Laptop Brightness which seems to do what I want

But I wonder if there isn't a better solution (without having to download something), or a safer software (like an open-source one) to do this pretty simple (at least it's what it seems to me) job.

Thanks a lot!

  • Even if it's old, it's still the same question. If you'd like newer/different answers to the existing question, please place a bounty on it instead of asking it again. Also, if you've found a possible solution (the 3rd party software you've mentioned) why not help others out and add that as an answer to the existing question (as well)? Commented Dec 18, 2014 at 16:34

1 Answer 1


It's not even workaround, just something to lower your pain. Please give f.lux a try. I use it and I love it. This program makes your LCD more friendly for the eyes at night.

  • Thanks for this link, I have also find a similar software but I couldn't find if it can make the "brightness" more sensitive (not increase in jumps of 6 but 4 or even better 1)
    – MagTun
    Commented Dec 18, 2014 at 16:17

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