From the "Folder Option" menu in Windows Explorer, I changed the default view for all folders to be Large Icons. As far as it goes, I am happy with it.


What I want to do now is, selectively use "Details" or "List" view for all directories inside

  • C:\Windows | List view
  • C:\Program Files (and (x86)) | List view
  • C:\MingW | Details view

Is there some way to change the default view settings for the directory tree above while keeping the default view to be Large Icon?

1 Answer 1


What I have seen in this regard is as follows. I simply copied it and used it, so take it with a (block) grain of salt. I hope it does what you want.


My Original Find: Windows registry entries for default explorer view


"Settings"=hex:08,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,77,7e,13,73,35,cf,11,ae,\ 69,08,00,2b,2e,12,62,04,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,43,00,00,00

However, as you can see the data is in an [i]ncomprehensible format. The fifth hexadecimal value, "04" in my example, indicates the display style setting. Possible values:

01: Large Icons

02: Small Icons

03: List View

04: Details

===== Other Sources of Information https://msfn.org/board/topic/30481-registry-entry-view-details-in-windows-explorer/

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