I'd like to use keychain with the fish shell, but I'm not sure how to get fish to load the ~/.keychain/hostname-fish file to set the appropriate environment variables.

In bash, there's the "source" command, but it doesn't exist in fish.

5 Answers 5


Below is what I have in ~/.config/fish/config.fish for your specific example.

set -gx HOSTNAME (hostname)
if status --is-interactive;
    keychain --nogui --clear ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    [ -e $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-fish ]; and source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-fish

The source command is source, which also works in bash.

Prior to fish 2.1.0, the source command was called ..

  • @JohnMetta, see the link in the question and funtoo.org/wiki/Keychain. You'll need to install the program.
    – jamessan
    Commented Feb 28, 2013 at 2:11
  • Sorry, it was stupid of me to post that. I didn't actually want keychain- I was looking to replace the 'source' command, and didn't actually read. Using . is what I needed. Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 0:17
  • 1
    Thanks for including the [ -e $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-fish ]; and . $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-fish line. That got my keychain to work and git to stop asking me for the passphrase every time I wanted to push.
    – cjm
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 18:34

Use the source command:

source filename.txt

source may not have existed originally but it exists now and the . alias in fish is officially deprecated.

From man . in fish 3.6.1:

. (a single period) is an alias for the source command. The use of . is deprecated in favour of source, and . will be removed in a future version of fish.


If the file you're trying to source contains bash, consider using Bass.

This will let you write, for example:

bass source ~/.bash_profile

The way recommended on the Keychain documentation page is to put this in config.fish:

if status --is-interactive
    keychain --eval --quiet --quick path/to/id_rsa

Then, add this to the top of your script:

source $HOME/.keychain/(hostname)-fish

source: http://www.funtoo.org/Keychain


The problem is usually you're using source with something that contains bash in it so instead I:


source whatever.sh

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