I am using gnome-shell 3.14 on archlinux 3.17.3-1. I have a keyboard shortcut (ctrl+alt+T) to open an xfce4-terminal.

My issue is that when I triger this shortcut the focus is not set the the newly open terminal. I tried adding to my .zshrc

[[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]] && wmctrl -i -a $(wmctrl -l | grep Terminal | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)

And that worked ... until I tried opening multiples tabs in a terminal. When opening a new tab, .zshrc is run and the focus is moved to the last terminal, wich may not be the open I am currently working on.

So I removed the command from my .zshrc file and tried editing the command executed my the shortcut keyboard to

sleep 0.1
wmctrl -i -a $(wmctrl -l | grep Terminal | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)

I tried increassing the sleep duration, but still it doesn't do the job (focus isn't set)

Therefore I have 2 question :

  • Is it possible to somehow have a script get the window id of the xfce4-terminal running the script ?

  • Is it possible to run a command when opening a xfce4-terminal (like if it has in the .zshrc even thow it's not in it). I tried the --execute option but it doesn't suit my needs as is only runs the focusing command and leaves me with a useless window

2 Answers 2


I know this thread is 3 years old already but I've been suffering from the same problem lately as I moved from plasma to cinnamon. This is what I came up with

Add this to your .zshrc(or any other shell config file)

xdotool windowactivate $(xdotool search --onlyvisible --class 'xfce4-terminal' | tail -n1) &>/dev/null

I had this problem too. I've changed my keyboard shortcut to xfce4-terminal --disable-server and now the terminals seem to get focus properly.

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