I am a Debian and RedHat user. I would like to redirect stderr (module logging) from a Python3 script. The script outputs a lot of things and the part I want to capture can be fetched using:

python3 ./script.py --input ./*.txt --verbose 2>> ./script.log

This appends stderr to ./script.log. But I would keep this dialog also in terminal. Usually I achieve this by piping the tee command. The problem is, the following shell line (executed from a bash file):

pyhton3 ./script.py --input ./*.txt --verbose | tee -a ./script.log

Does output into the terminal but does not output anything to ./script.log. Any idea how to proceed?

2 Answers 2


To display both stdout and stderr on the terminal while only capturing stderr to file, use:

python3 ./script.py --input ./*.txt --verbose 2>&1 1>/dev/tty | tee -a script.log

The way that the shell handles redirections is quite subtle. Here, the 2>&1 results in the command's stderr being piped to the tee command. 1>/dev/tty results in the command's stdout going directly to terminal. Order is important. If the order of these redirections is reversed, nothing would go to the pipe. Alternatively, if 1>/dev/tty were omitted, then both stdout and stderr would be piped to the tee command.


You can redirect your stderr (2) to stdout (1) and then pipe it to tee like that

python3 ./script.py --input ./*.txt --verbose 2>&1 | tee -a ./script.log


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