Is there such an app out there that will allow me to see the parsing of a PHP script (or directory of files) in real time?

Thinking of the process of going through line by line of code as a movie, I dream of fast forwarding and backward "frame-by-frame" (in this case - line-by-line). I see an advantage of doing this as now I don't have to worry about opening another file if it is included, scrutinising (or using the Find) to a function definition somewhere in the big script in order to see what don't have to worry if a variable might have been changed somewhere in an included file. Instead, I simply click on "Next line" and "previous line" and the app will just bring me to the next parsed line (not actual line).

At the same time, I visualise a couple of panels: (1) the variable panel tracks - as I go line by line - what data has been assigned to it, and whether/how it changes (2) constant panel - tracks which constants get defined etc.

Where can I find such?

  • 1
    you mean you want a PHP debugger? Commented Nov 7, 2014 at 9:48

2 Answers 2


Admittedly, your description is rather vague, and, maybe this question should really be asked on the Software Recommendations forum. But, as Rowland surmises, maybe you're looking for a debugger. I'll assume that's the case and save you the trouble from posting once again on another board. I would suggest you look at PHPEd. It's an integrated IDE and debugger for PHP. It's relatively inexpensive and provides lots of useful features.


You can take a look at Eclipse PHP, a very comfortable IDE for PHP.

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