I'm using win 7x64 Is it possible to connect to two different(or the same) wifi hotspots? I have built in wifi receiver and external wifi dongle, but when I connect them both to the same network it seems that only one is actually receiving data (from usage in task manager) Is it possible to double receiving speed doing that?

1 Answer 1


There are a few things to consider when using this setup:

  • When you connect both dongles to the same AP, then they are both in the same collision-domain using shared bandwidth (same frequency). Under heavy use, there is the potential that traffic on both NICs could be slower than one - but that is IF you manage to get traffic on both NICs.
  • Thus, it would be better to connect to different APs on different frequencies, thus eliminating physical and data-link layer issues.
  • In order to get traffic in and out of both NICs however, you will have to adjust your routing tables (route print or netstat -r) Normally you have a default route that sends all traffic to your gateway router. You will have to split this outbound traffic between both NICs by manipulating your routing tables to load-balance this traffic. One solution is adding both gateways as default routes. See the section on multi-homed hosts in technet here.

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