Here is the Save As dialog in MS Word 2013 running on Windows 8.1 with Update. One Drive - Personal appears twice. Why is that?

The first listing of it allows me to browse my files and to save. The second listing tells me that, "To connect to OneDrive - Personal, you will need your username and password. Sign in". Why does one not need a sign in whereas the other does?

OneDrive - Person appears twice.

  • 1
    check whether one drive pro installed aside from your one drive client and app
    – BDRSuite
    Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 21:30
  • When I search OneDrive in Programs and Features, only one listing displays. So, it appears that I do not have the Pro installed. Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 21:42
  • @sunk818 When I cancel out, it doesn't get rid of the duplicate. I wonder where the list of sign ins is kept. Then I could delete it that way. Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 22:06
  • @sunk818 Indeed there are two entries. Deleting one of them did not remove the entry in the Save As dialog. Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 23:41
  • @sunk818 There is another entry, though, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\ServicesManagerCache\Identities\db5db99f7f8f6191_LiveId which looks suspicious. It has three entries, two of which are associated with SkyDrive (now OneDrive). Deleting the latter fixed the problem. Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 23:41

1 Answer 1


The problem was an extra key in the registry. Here are the steps I took to find and remove it:

  1. Open any document in MS Word.
  2. Choose File > Save As
  3. Click on the second OneDrive - Person listing.
  4. Click on Sign in in the left hand pane.
  5. The expected username will display, e.g.

enter image description here

  1. Open regedit.
  2. Choose Edit > Find
  3. Select Look at Keys, Values, and Data.
  4. Find what:
  5. Backup the registry key that's associated with that find result.
  6. Then delete the registry key.
  7. Reopen word, Save As, and the duplicate entry is no longer there.

The registry key that I deleted.


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