I saw a feed referring to downloading via bitsadmin (v.7.5.7601.17514) on Windows 7.

I have trouble implementing this myself and continue to get errors when running the code when running from a batch file(which is my requirement)

Errorcode: 0x80190194 Error Context: 0x00000005

The code is as follows:

bitsadmin.exe /Transfer myDownloadJob /download /priority normal https://sites.com/sites/Shared%%20Documents/Reporting/HP.zip C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\HP.zip

Can you seen anything that would hinder this code from running? The site is a sharepoint.

  • If would help if you said what the errors are ... please edit your question to include this information together with details of your operating system and the version of bitsadmin you are using.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Oct 8, 2014 at 8:46

1 Answer 1


This seems to correspond to a HTTP 404 (File Not Found) status.

Try to replace %%20 with %20 in https://sites.com/sites/Shared%%20Documents/Reporting/HP.zip.

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