I designed an lms which teacher can run a virtual class. I need to make a desktop sharing solution (view only) for my project. As i saw vnc is good but i want to send teacher screen to the server and then broadcast it because it may lots of student and teacher does not have a good bandwidth. I tested lots of vnc softwares but they are one to one i want to do something like this:

TEACHER -----> |              | -----> Student
               |     SERVER   |   .
               |              |   .
               |              | -----> Student

I don't want to use third party websites like join.me , ... could any body help me with an idea?



1 Answer 1


You can try using the Windows Desktop Sharing API if you want to build something yourself: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rds/archive/2007/03/08/windows-desktop-sharing-api.aspx

Another option is to use web tools and build your own WebRTC-based app: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC

I am not sure about pre-existing software that does this, but these two pieces of info should give you a good start :)


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