I have an Asus Z87-K and am using the on-board audio. It uses the RealTek drivers. I downloaded the latest I believe.
RealTek about dialog

I used to be able to connect both my speakers and headphones and have sound output to both at the same time. With this new board I'm finding that if I plugin my headphones (via front-panel audio connection) that the speaker sound is stopped.

Is there a way for me to set it up so that I can have sound output to both devices? Or am I doomed to have to plug in and unplug the headphones every time.

1 Answer 1


It might only be possible to have the sound come from one of your machines audio jacks at once. But you can use a splitter such as this to plug in both your speakers and headphones to the same jack. Which would solve your problem.


  • This is basically what I use now. You should be able to switch between back and front audio in the sound settings.
    – Ravenous
    Commented Jul 26, 2014 at 11:46

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