I am connecting to office network through VPN. I have two servers A and B. I have ssh/tomcat access to A through VPN but not to B. When I ssh into A, from there I can ssh into B. Also, B is running tomcat, which I can see though elinks on A.

I want to see the tomcat page of B on my remote machine browser. So I followed the instructions mentioned in this serverfault question. I ssh-ed into A using ssh user@A -D 1234, changed firefox proxy settings to localhost:1234. But instead of the tomcat page on B, I keep getting "The connection was reset" error on firefox. Also, when I try going to google, I get the same error, surprisingly facebook works (see attached image)

Chrome would only allow me to use system proxy settings, and when I changed that, I got the error "no data received" ("Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data"). Not sure what is happening here.

  • I think it's more of a security issue, as I don't get this error for https sites. Please do not migrate this to security.stackexchange, as I have a modified question there (security.stackexchange.com/questions/62914/…)
    – rivu
    Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 22:43

1 Answer 1


Set the Socks proxy only, leave the others blank (do not check the box for use the same..)

  • It wasn't checked anyway
    – rivu
    Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 17:57

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