I connected my Google Glass to my MacBook via Bluetooth, and Sound Preferences shows that I can select my Glass for audio output, but doing so does nothing. Google Glass makes no sound even though music is playing (Glass does make the UI sounds though when I interact with it, just doesn't play my Mac's audio).

What else do I need to do?

EDIT: Here's a bunch of wishes in the Glass Community wishlist. Please kudo them so they get exposure and possibly the feature makes it to Glass.







1 Answer 1


Glass does not currently support AD2P Audio for incoming bluetooth connections, so it won't play music or any audio coming from your mac (same for any other bluetooth devices)

  • Oh. I thought it was interesting that it shows up as an audio device though. I wonder if there's any third party apps i can sideload to enable it.
    – trusktr
    Commented Jul 8, 2014 at 17:13
  • I'm currently using this: play.google.com/store/apps/… only ouputs mono sound from my android phone to glass (very useful to listen to audiobooks at work and other places)
    – Miguel GW
    Commented Jul 22, 2014 at 15:54
  • The link doesn't seem to work.
    – trusktr
    Commented Jul 22, 2014 at 16:44
  • 1
    Looks like there's a new link: play.google.com/store/apps/…
    – Miguel GW
    Commented Feb 5, 2015 at 21:45

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