I'm a little stumped a what the problem is. I recently got a used a laptop and I swapped out the 500GB 5400RPM hard drive for a PNY 120GB SSD drive. When I unplug the power from the laptop, the battery charge (according to Windows 7) goes from 100% to 4-6% in less then a minute. I'm wondering if this might have something to do with SSD, but its my understand that a solid state drive using very little (if any) power. So is it the SSD or battery causing it to go dead? The laptop is a Gateway NV59 with Intel Core i3 330M and 4GB RAM.

  • 2
    Just for a sanity check, if you swap back in the 500GB drive does the battery not display as drained so quickly? Personally, I don't trust used laptop batteries at all. Who knows how the previous owner abused it.
    – beeks
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 1:57
  • @beeks I guess I could try putting it back. Whats weird too is my battery went from 21% to 100% in no time. Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 2:04
  • Sounds like you need a new battery, to be honest.
    – beeks
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 2:17
  • Hasn't been dropped a small screw into the laptop bowels causing the shorting and current leak? Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 4:39

1 Answer 1


As suggested in the comments, I installed the SATA drive back into the laptop. Because I formatted it when I replaced it with the SSD, I had to reinstall Windows 7. Once I reinstalled Windows, it came up in the notification area saying the battery was bad. I put the SSD back into it and started up Windows, where the notification area didn't say anything about the battery being bad. What I didn't notice was if you click the battery icon, there's a checkbox (as shown below) that when checked, will show if the battery is bad or not. I wonder if the previous owner that I bought it from unchecked it (as its checked by default) to try and make the new owner (me) think that the battery is fine. Anyway, I contacted the previous owner and he gave me a partial refund to cover the cost of a new battery.

Checkbox in Windows to show if battery is bad

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