I have created a .cmd file that I would like to run without bringing up a command window. I am trying to do this by creating a shortcut on my desktop. The target of that shortcut is: C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe "D:\MyFile.cmd".

I recently re-installed my Windows 8.1 OS. Before the re-installation, the shortcut worked fine. However, after the re-installation whenever I double-click it, I get the error: Windows Script Host There is no script engine for file extension ".cmd".

Any suggestions how to resolve this?

2 Answers 2


I found the answer here: Run a batch file in a completely hidden way

Sorry for not doing a little more digging and finding this answer before posting my question.


That's because CMD files has nothing to do with wscript.
You should run them through the command line (Cmd.exe), or just by double-clicking them.

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