Port is open locally, but not externally

Neo4j is a graph database with a browser and REST interface.I need to start a second instance of neo4j server. I would like to run the process a user with normal privileges.

The first instance of neo4j opens the default port for neo4j, 7474, and runs and HTTP server on it. I can reach it with a Web browser from another machine. That's great.

The second instance is configured to use a different port, 7484. I can start the server and reach it locally:

 >lynx http://localhost:7484

That's great too.

However, if I use another machine and try to browse http://my-neo4j-server:7484, the browser times-out and never establishes a connection.

If I run netstat on the server, it shows that it is listening on that port.

 >netstat -tulpn 


tcp6  0  0   :::7484   :::*  LISTEN  8552/java

I tried:

  >sudo ufw disable

I checked IP tables:

>sudo iptables -L

and there are no entries in the tables.

What am I failing to do?

Note: I'm running the Amazon Linux AMI on ec2.

  • Did you intend to use IPv6 exclusively, not the more common IPv4? If you want to go IPv6, you need a special DNS setup with AAA records. Commented May 9, 2014 at 0:54
  • Did you open the Amazon Security Group for the new port?
    – laurent
    Commented May 9, 2014 at 3:46
  • @laurent. You were correct. I forgot that EC2 has its own security rules that must be set. If you want to answer this question, I will accept your answer.
    – ahoffer
    Commented May 9, 2014 at 21:05

1 Answer 1


AWS has its own firewall and security group. You need to open the port there too.

For EC2, you can go to Service -> EC2 -> Network & Security -> Security Groups and open the port for the right group.

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