I have a Kali linux sandbox set up with a direct connection to a windows VM. I have JAR files / java exploits I want to serve using the Kali box. After I get the jar file into the Kali Box, I know I have to create an html (nano.html). Can anyone tell me what I need to put within that html to serve the java exploit?


  • 1
    Could you add to the question what you already tried and why it's not working? I assume you have Googled something like 'embed java into html', so why the question?
    – mtak
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 14:56
  • I used <applet archive="jar file" code="swjahd.class" - when I connect to it, nothing happens. but if I do <applet code="swjahd.class" and remove the archive="jar file" it executes, but I would just have to do it per class file
    – Joe
    Commented May 2, 2014 at 17:22

1 Answer 1


You need to specify the archive (that's how it gets the classes). To specify the "per class" aspect, change the code attribute.

<!-- that is swjahd.class is your class; you still need to
     get that class. Jar files are how that is done. -->
<applet archive="jar file" code="swjahd.class"

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