I need to view the source of a webpage. This web page is a plain text page with some text regarding an error. But the page's content type is set to image/jpeg. If I visit the page in Internet Explorer or Firefox, the view source option is greyed out. How can I view the source of pages with content types not set to text/html?

Edit: This page is not actually an image, it is a plain text page with the content type of an image.

  • rasheed.kumar, one of the reasons you may not be able to edit your own posts is because you're still unregistered (and/or accessing this from another place). Sign up to Superuser and follow the procedures written in the Help Center to merge this question with your registered account. Commented Apr 26, 2014 at 22:50
  • Click somewhere in the page. Use Ctrl-A to select all. Ctrl-C to copy. Paste into Notepad or similar editor. That assumes it really -is- plaintext and just the content-type is incorrect, though I'm not sure how you can know for sure, if you can't view the source.
    – Debra
    Commented Apr 27, 2014 at 17:27

2 Answers 2


You can't. On the serverside, (probably using php or asp), the image is generated and outputted.

As a result, you directly get an image, and an image does not have a textual source. For that raeson, you can't select any text either.


Using Chrome you can type (in the address bar)


And it will show you the source.

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