I have an XPS L502x hooked up to 2 external monitors:

  1. Dell ST2210
    • connected via to my only HDMI port
    • no adapters on either end of the cable
    • HDMI cable from back of laptop to HDMI port on monitor
  2. ASUS VH242H
    • connected via digital mini-display port (like on a Mac)
    • mini-port to HDMI adapter on the back of the laptop
    • HDMI cable from mini-port adaptor to HDMI port on monitor

in Volume Control Options or Sounds (Control Panel > Sounds), these 2 read as follows (notice the slight differences):

Dell ST2210
2-Intel(R) Display Audio


2- NVIDIA High Definition Audio


  1. Sounds will play on:
    • my laptop speakers perfectly well
    • my Asus VH242H, but it seems like it's only coming out of the right monitor speaker
  2. Sounds will not play:
    • on my Dell ST2210

1 Answer 1


I tried several different solutions, including new drivers for my DELL ST2210 LCD monitor. But, in the end the only thing that worked was swapping out a $30 HDMI cable.

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