I am running windows server 2012 as a guest(using Oracle Virtualbox) on a windows 8.

I have a website hosted on the guest OS which i can access in a browser inside the guest.

I would like to be able to access the site as well as other shared files in the guest OS, from my windows 8 host. Any Ideas?

2 Answers 2


From the virtualbox home screen:

Settings -> Network -> Adapter1

  1. Make sure enable network adapter is checked and attached to NAT.

  2. Expand the advanced tab and click on Port Forwarding.

  3. Add an entry for http:

    Name: HTTP
    Protocol: TCP
    Host IP: (Leave Blank)
    Host Port: 3080
    Guest IP: (Leave Blank)
    Guest Port: 80

Now you can access port 80 listeners on your guest machine, by browsing to the site URL:3080 on your host machine.


Change your network settings for the virtual machine in virtualbox to either 'bridged adapter' or 'host-only adapter'.

  • When I do this my Virtual guest can not access the internet
    – Eric
    Commented Apr 11, 2014 at 10:44
  • @Eric It should allow you to access the internet using the bridged adapter setting.
    – ewatt
    Commented Apr 12, 2014 at 20:58

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