Can I auto-rotate an image that contains mainly text? Maybe via OCR? The algorithm or whatever needs to scan the image and decide if it has to rotate it 90°, 180° or 270°

I want to include this feature into an existing PowerShell script, so command-line ability is mandatory.

I'm open for ImageMagick solutions


enter image description here
Click to enlarge

I have already read the following SO questions. But they rotate photos.
and I'm only trying to rotate pure text scans which have no EXIF metadata.

4 Answers 4


I currently do this with tesseract using the switches "-psm 0" which will detect orientation of the image.

Sample output :

Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.04.00 with Leptonica
Orientation: 3
Orientation in degrees: 90
Orientation confidence: 3.94
Script: 1
Script confidence: 13.81

Then I run ImageMagick to rotate the image to the correct orientation. It does work for most of the images, except for handwritten documents and photos.

A bit kludgy, but it is a lot faster than running OCR four times.


I'm also looking for a way to auto-rotate documents. Read the answer by @teikjoon, and wrote the following script using Tesseract and ImageMagick.

# orient_images '/b'
function orient_images() {
  for file in $1;
  do magick mogrify -rotate -$(tesseract $file - --psm 0 | sed -n 's/Rotate: \(.*\)/\1/p') $file;

This works, but now facing another issue where Tesseract gives low confidence scores on text orientation, so I'm looking into tools like Fred's TextCleaner script.


You can achieved that with ocrmypdf:

ocrmypdf --rotate-pages myfile.pdf myfile.pdf
  • works great! Thanks:)
    – sunew
    Commented Apr 9 at 20:12

Not the most elegant way, but you could try to OCR in all four orientations and whichever one has the least amount of gibberish is the correct one. I did some quick searching, and I found a few references which discuss using such a technique, for example:

Phase two of document correction is the contextual auto-rotate. Using a full-page OCR read at several orientations the software can determine at which orientation the quality of the read is best. This is the most accurate way to rotate a document. Documents with little text, or text at various angles are the only risky documents. In these cases, the software chooses the orientation of the MOST readable text.

  • Which metric do you use to find the "most readable text" ?
    – tigrou
    Commented Jun 24 at 20:11

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