I know that software raid array can be created in the OS it self. But my question is, Is it possible to create a software raid array including partition which is having Operating System installed ? Or Is there any limitation that operating system partition should not be included in the software raid array.

  • In Windows the boot (active) partition is separated from the main OS partition, so it's possible to what you asked. I suppose there's a way to do the same thing with Linux.
    – EliadTech
    Commented Feb 27, 2014 at 11:36

1 Answer 1


In Linux this is accomplished using an "initial RAM disk" which lives on a non-raid partition (typically /boot mounted on /dev/sda1) . This initial RAM disk contains enough utilities to activate the RAIDs and LVs and switch over to the LVM/RAID main root filesystem.

The gentoo distribution has an article outlining how to do this for gentoo.


Instructions for other distributions will vary, but the concepts are shared.

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