At work I have a laptop, windows 7, and I can remote into it. But sometimes it needs to be restarted (or gets restarted with updates) and then I can not log into it with Remote Desktop. This is confusing to me because I know we can do this for servers and Remote Desktop is a service so shouldn't it be running when someone is not logged in.

I wait long enough for it to reboot. I can confirm that it is at the login screen. I have Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop set. The sleep mode is turned off when plugged in, which it is. I have the firewall set through the Allow programs to communicate through Windows Firewall setting.

Any ideas?

If it helps: one of the other issues I have with the laptop is sometimes when I am logged in remotely, it will not connect to some network resources. I never had this problem with my desktop (windows 7) but they took that away and gave us "better" laptops

  • How is the laptop hooked into the network? Wire or WiFi? Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 14:49
  • Wifi... 6 more to go.
    – Mike
    Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 15:00
  • 1
    Then my guess is it's because the Wifi client isn't reconnecting until the first time a user logs in, try it with it wired. Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 15:12
  • If you add this as an answer then I can mark it correct. Taking it off wifi worked.
    – Mike
    Commented Feb 15, 2014 at 21:34

1 Answer 1


On the remote server, change the following registry setting via regedit:

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server. Change the value of “fDenyTSConnections” to “0″.

Then, ensure that TermServices is started automatically instead of Manual:

Navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and find Remote Desktop Configuration and Remote Desktop Services and Terminal Services (Depending on your version of Windows)

Ensure they're set to start Automatic. Default is Manual.

  • Thank you, this advice is helpful for any one who has not set the services to automatic but wasn't my specific issue.
    – Mike
    Commented Feb 15, 2014 at 21:34

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