A friend shared a folder on his SkyDrive with me. The problem is that I don't see it in my SkyDrive folder on Windows 8.1 - both Explorer and the Metro app. I can access the shared folder on the web site and on my iOS devices, but, ironically, not on my Surface Pro 2.

I see people complaining about this problem in 2012 - hopefully enough time to have fixed this oversight.

So how do I access that folder from Windows? Am I missing something simple?

1 Answer 1


From MS' current SkyDrive for 8.1 FAQ:

How can I browse files shared with me and Office documents I've worked on recently?

You can't currently do this in the SkyDrive app, but you can by going to the SkyDrive website.

The iOS devices are probably able to show it to you because they're just scraping the SkyDrive web site and re-presenting that data in their app, vs. directly interfacing as a real SkyDrive client like your Surface is using. But that's just a guess. ;)

  • The iOS client is made by Microsoft so I doubt that they are scraping anything. Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 19:05
  • That's kind of weird then. ;) regardless, as the FAQ for SkyDrive on Windows 8.1 says - it's currently a no-go from their (Windows 8.1) app. Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 19:24

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