So my problem is that I have some pre-made playlist and when i open any media file this playlist is overwrite with new one that contain only this file. It is possible to add file that I opened at the end of current playlist?

2 Answers 2


Launch it with the /add switch

If using windows to can edit this in under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mplayerc.avi\shell\open\command

!!! Do not directly edit your registries unless you know what you're messing with. If you do, always make a backup first.


I know of two options.

  1. Drag the file into the playlist. It will then appear in it without replacing the playlist.

  2. Disable the option that restricts MPC to a single instance. Files you click on will then appear in a new instance of MPC with its own playlist box.

Perhaps there is a way to do what you ask but I do not know it.

  • This options can be used as workaround but not a solution.Thank you anyway.
    – Asker N
    Commented Oct 11, 2014 at 8:21
  • Option 2 only works if you have an instance open (you can close MPC and it will restore the playlist after). Commented Mar 11, 2016 at 15:05

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