I can only ssh locally. I tried to ssh from my laptop in an external network but I wasn't able to do that. So I went home and did some troubleshooting. Now I want to ssh from my local network to that server externally(using a remote address or an external IP address). So is there a method I can use to do that ?

  • 3
    contact your network administrator. they will have to allow your traffic inbound in order for you to connect. Commented Dec 19, 2013 at 19:52
  • @FrankThomas thank you. I had a strong feeling that they were behind it.
    – Suhaib
    Commented Dec 19, 2013 at 19:56

2 Answers 2


You have a few different options here:

  • Your network administrator blocks inside SSH access
    • Ask them to fix it.
  • Your server doesn't port forward
    • Forward the port on your router
    • Make an reverse ssh tunnel (if you have a port forwarded server)

I hope that solves it for you!


Go into your router settings and do port forwarding to your server's IP and 22 port.

Hope this solution will help.

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