I currently have internet via a Ethernet cable, and I would like to share that internet connection via a WiFi card. I ran the following commands to setup a WiFi hotspot, and then shared my Ethernet connection to the newly created virtual network adapter.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=wifi key=12345678
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

But when I attempt to connect from another computer, the network is 'unidentified' and I have 'limited access'. When I ran ipconfig, my IP was '169.254.x.x'. It seems that the hotspot wasn't assigning any IP address and that the DHCP wasn't working.

How would I be able to fix this?



1 Answer 1


There are some more steps that I find are always needed.


  • Start the hostednetwork as you have
  • go to the Properties of the Internet Connection which you want to share with others (e.g. sharing your wifi connection under another name)
  • -> Advanced -> Sharing
  • Then allow sharing of the connection by choosing the hosted network to share it with, which is called Local Area Connection *4 for example.

More info: Internet Connection Sharing with Wireless Hosted Network (WHN) is not providing a DNS server for WHN clients

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