I am trying to install Apache2 on a virtual server. I installed apr, apr-util and pcre.

Then when trying to install apache, the ./configure thing work but when i try to make I get this error: libtool: link: cannot find the library /usr/local/apr/lib/libapr-1.la' or unhandled argument/usr/local/apr/lib/libapr-1.la'

To configure I typed this: ./configure --prefix=/data/home/afora001/php-apache/apache/ --with-apr=/data/home/afora001/php-apache/apr/ --with-apr-util=/data/home/afora001/php-apache/apru/ --with-pcre=/data/home/afora001/php-apache/pcre/

I don't get why it's trying to find a library in /usr?

Thanks! What am I missing?

  • Did you install the "-dev" variants of those packages. Reading the install guide in apache provides the following insight: "On some platforms, you may have to install the corresponding -dev packages to allow httpd to build against your installed copy of APR and APR-Util."
    – Carlos
    Commented Nov 29, 2013 at 23:56
  • Where did you read that? And where can i find those? I don't see any -dev packages here apr.apache.org/download.cgi Commented Nov 30, 2013 at 1:23
  • Well, I assumed when you stated that you "installed apr, apr-util and pcre" that you used your OS's package manager to do so. If you did, you would need to install the "-dev" variant of those packages. If you didn't and you compiled from source, then you need to do the following: "Make sure you have APR and APR-Util already installed on your system. If you don't, or prefer to not use the system-provided versions, download the latest versions of both APR and APR-Util from Apache APR, unpack them into ./srclib/apr and ./srclib/apr-util and use ./configure's --with-included-apr option."
    – Carlos
    Commented Nov 30, 2013 at 1:52
  • All this information is found in httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/install.html under Requirements.
    – Carlos
    Commented Nov 30, 2013 at 1:53
  • You are right, I don't know how I did not see that. It seems to be working now. Thanks Commented Nov 30, 2013 at 2:27

1 Answer 1


Well, I assumed when you stated that you "installed apr, apr-util and pcre" that you used your OS's package manager to do so. If you did, you would need to install the "-dev" variant of those packages. If you didn't and you compiled from source, then you need to do the following: "Make sure you have APR and APR-Util already installed on your system. If you don't, or prefer to not use the system-provided versions, download the latest versions of both APR and APR-Util from Apache APR, unpack them into ./srclib/apr and ./srclib/apr-util and use ./configure's --with-included-apr option."

  • Glad it worked out for you. Please tick the check next to my answer, greatly appreciated.
    – Carlos
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 13:34

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