I have problems with my VPN setup. I have the Cisco AnyConnect client installed, as well as the openconnect network plugin for the network-manager. Both have a fundamental problem:

  1. Cisco's AnyConnect

    Works fine, until after a while I get disconnected not only from the VPN, but from my whole network. I cannot connect to the Internet anymore, even with VPN turned off. sudo service network-manager restart does not help, eventually I have to reboot.

  2. openconnect

    Does not resolve domains outside of my VPN provider. The difference between the modified resolve.conf here is that openconnect does not add additional IP adresses pointing to DNS resolver.

Currently, I use openconnect and overwrite the resolve.conf with the one that would have been created through Cisco's AnyConnect client. Any idea how to automate this or even fix it?

# resolve.conf by AnyConnect
domain my.vpn-provider.com
nameserver <IP>
nameserver <IP>
search my.vpn-provider.com WAG160N

# resolve.conf by openconnect
domain my.vpn-provider.com
search my.vpn-provider.com WAG160N

I am on Ubuntu 13.10.

1 Answer 1


Set /etc/resolv.conf however you want and then set it immutable with
chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf. I would suggest adding a note to the file indicating that you have set it immutable before you set it immutable, to prevent future confusion.

  • 2
    Doing this prevents the client from connecting. Ubuntu 18.04, AnyConnect v 4.3.05017.
    – David G
    Commented May 30, 2020 at 17:53
  • Sadly the client doesn't connect anymore... If only it was open source.
    – 6infinity8
    Commented May 30, 2021 at 19:12
  • 9 years later, and this is still the best answer....? Way to go, Cisco. Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 13:54

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