I have been using a Win 8 Hyper V VM with snapshots to test some applications I am writing in fresh environments (to ensure that it works in a non dev environment,etc)

The way I use it is that I create a snapshot after a fresh install, install my application, test and then revert to the snapshot I had created.

This works fine, except that after a few weeks, I get an error message related to "trust relationship between workstation and primary domain failed"

Is there a way to prevent this issue? (other than updating the clean snapshot every few days)?

1 Answer 1


Your only options are to change the default machine password age for computers in AD, or create an exception for that VM, which isn't really recommended security-wise.

Or you can dis-join and re-join the domain every time you revert your snapshot.




  • dis joining and rejoining when the trust fails should be good enough right? (I revert 2-3 times a day)
    – Akash
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 17:55
  • If you dis-join and re-join it will be fine for that session. If you revert back to the old snapshot, you're going to be off again, unless you create a new snapshot after you dis-join and re-join.
    – Josh
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 17:56

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