Upgraded my windows 7 from 32 bit to 64 bit. Installed Java 6 (64 bit) and 7 (64 bit) version.

Whenever i execute "java" in a command prompt, it opens a new command prompt and execute it. Even if i give "java -version" within a command prompt it opens new command prompt and runs it.

Later noticed that most of the exe files opens a empty command prompt and runs. The command prompt remains open until I close the exe file.

The same installation works in other windows 7 PCs without opening new command prompt.

Anyone got any idea how to prevent opening new command window automatically?

2 Answers 2


You could try to use a command prompt with admin rights. Open the cmd.exe with "run as administrator" from the context menu that you get with right click on cmd.exe.


It sounds like it is opening the Java 6 (32-bit version) instead of the Java 7 (64-bit). What happens if you put in the full path with the command, pointing to the install location for the 64-bit Java 7? When it does display the version, what version does it show?

  • I executed with full path "D:\apps\java\jdk1.7.0_40\bin\java -version". Still it launches in separate window. Both java 6 and 7 are 64 bit version.
    – yottabrain
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 7:06
  • I think that this has to be an issue with the Java console opening. I assume when you mention "command" that you are running cmd.exe and then typing in the Java command. When you use Control Panel > Java, is the Java console set to open or hide?
    – Debra
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 7:26

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