So yesterday i received my new Seagate SSHD(Solid State Hybrid Drive), i installed it in my acer aspire laptop, everything works just fine, but when i came home, restarted the pc, it still worked but started to shut down randomly, sometimes it was 30 min, sometimes it was 120 min, and so on.

I checked eventviewer, nothing! not a single error. the laptop has been working fine until i did the re install and upgraded my HDD to SSHD. i also added some extra cooling paste on the CPU, but cleaned it away by now and that doesn't makes the difference. it's not the ram, i already tested that.

I didn't install any software on it yet, also i didn't install any other stuff.


we are talking about a "Seagate Laptop Thin SSHD(Solid State Hybrid Drive) 500GB"

  • Can you check your CPU temperature in BIOS? Did you REALLY apply thermal grease on CPU correctly?
    – Ashtray
    Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 7:12
  • @ashtray: they are stable, it's an older i5 430m with max temp of 55°, also i spilled a bit of paste on the side of the cpu, but i did worse then that in the past so i don't think it's the paste :p Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 7:15
  • 1
    You should change the sshd tag on this :) sshd is a tag for ssh daemon not solid state drives
    – RyanM
    Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 7:16
  • ok did that :p and @ashtray it's a Seagate Laptop Thin SSHD 500GB so it's sshd not ssd Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 7:19
  • test with the old hard drive, see if it shuts down. if so, it's not the new hdd causing it. if it doesn't shut down with the old hard drive, then run a diagnostic like seagate seatools, on that new seagate drive)
    – barlop
    Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 7:33

1 Answer 1


Based upon your comments, I think it's a heating issue.

Can you monitor the CPU temperate (there are many free applications for this, just Google for it) and review any peaks or dips etc. I've responded to a similar post here https://superuser.com/questions/649538/software-for-alerting-when-cpu-temperature-is-critical#comment816809_649538 which may suggest how to do this..

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