I don't know what the technical term for this is, but at my workplace every computer has a mapped network drive which lets me access all files on the server which I believe is located in the same building.

I am able to make edits to any file on the server and the changes will be instant. For example I can open up a text file located on the server in a text editor, and when I hit save the changes are live on the server. No need to transfer the new file onto the server via FTP or something.

The live file editing is what I hope to achieve with the webhost of my personal website, if this is even possible. Right now I have to use FTP to make changes to the live site.

I'm using Vista Home Basic.

  • This is called a network share FYI Why not map the FTP server as a network drive? Also the webmasters Se might be able to assist as it's closer to their field of expertise
    – 50-3
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 2:08
  • I think I tried that, I opened Computer and entered into the bar ftp : // username:password@hostname and I was able to connect to it, but it wouldn't allow me to make file edits without downloading the file first. It was pretty much another FileZilla.
    – TreeTree
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 14:17
  • Read the answer with the most up votes superuser.com/questions/88531/…
    – 50-3
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 14:26

1 Answer 1


theres a app called netdrive that lets you do this http://lifehacker.com/300997/mount-remote-file-systems-with-netdrive i've never used it personally but i trust lifehacker reviews to only suggest it if its good

Mount remote drives over FTP, SFTP, WebDAV or iFolder to your desktop with freeware application NetDrive. Once mounted, you can navigate your remote drive like any other folder in Windows Explorer. The application is free to download, but its development has been discontinued so it's somewhat hard to come by (hence the direct download link below). But you can still access advanced user instructions from Novell. I actually had major problems with NetDrive crashing Explorer after I connected, but the folks at weblog FreewareGenius had nothing but success with NetDrive, so your mileage may vary. NetDrive is a free download, Windows only. Mac users can achieve the same thing with previously mentioned MacFusion. If you know of an alternate solution, let's hear it in the comments.

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