I've created a new GPO and created a power scheme under computer configuration. I've disabled the User configuration part of this GPO.

In this power scheme I have the action selected to create a new power scheme, I've input all my settings and ticked the box "Make this the active power Scheme" but this power scheme never appears on the targeted systems.

If I perform a gpresult /scope:computer on the target system I can see that the GPO is applied.

Thanks in advance for your help.


1 Answer 1


Power Schemes in Windows XP are only applied to the user account, not the computer account.

Windows XP only has one active power scheme for the entire computer and that scheme is based on the current or previously logged on user


A Power Option preference item applying to a Windows XP computer does two things: it changes the power settings in the .DEFAULT profile and it makes those new settings the active power profile. A Power Option preference item applying to a user does two things: It changes the power settings in that user’s profile and it makes those new settings the active power profile. Remember there is only one active power profile—it’s the profile that was last made active.

From: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2009/12/11/windows-xp-power-management-and-group-policy-preferences.aspx

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