What are the silent install switches for the Adobe Photoshop Camera RAW 6.7 update?

I tried --mode=silent but that wasn't exactly silent, the install went through without intervention from me, but the dialog was displayed the whole time and I still had to click "OK" at the end of the install.

I have also tried -verysilent and -silent, they do the same thing as --mode=silent.

1 Answer 1


Okay, so I guess I figured this out.

I was running AdobePatchInstaller.exe --mode=silent straight from cmd.exe. When I would do this, I would receive a window with progress and a final "OK" button, as I mentioned above.

However, when I ran start /wait AdobePatchInstaller.exe --mode=silent from the command line, much like I would in a batch file, the patch seemed to install silently without fail.

Not sure I understand the difference, but it worked fine just the same.

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