I am using WvDial to scan available networks with these commands:

Init1 = AT+COPS=?
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0

Wvdial tries the scan-commands but it seems like it does not wait long enough for a response, because it returns after 3-5 seconds and says „Modem not responding“. How can I make WvDial wait longer?

Calling „AT+CSQ“ returns 22 - so the signal is good. And I can also call my Internet provider and get Internet connection.

1 Answer 1


I found that I can get available networks by using a different solution:

First I open a terminal and issue this command:

# tr -s „\n“ < /dev/ttyACM0

Then I open another terminal and issue this command:

# echo -e „AT+COPS=?\r“ > /dev/ttyACM0

After about 30 seconds the first terminal will return a response with the available networks.

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