How to go to row number n and column number m in sublime text3.

I can go to row by number. But can't find out how to move to column by its number on this row.

I need it because I got error reportings with fileName and 2 numbers: for example: 24:13. That means row 24 and column 13.

So I need to move to row 24 and column 13 fast without counting how many times I clicked on right arrow on my keyboard.

3 Answers 3


Just press ctrl+p (cmd+p on mac) to bring on "Goto Anything" palette, and then type colon, line number, colon, column number:


You can also type filename first, and Sublime will move you straight to place in that file you need.

  • That seems to only go to the row, not the column.
    – User
    Commented Mar 31, 2017 at 22:49
  • Good answer, but what if I just want to see what column number I'm on. Why can't/doesn't Sublime Text just show a little "Row: /Col: " indicator in the task bar at the bottom or something? That seems to me like a standard text editor feature I've always taken for granted. Commented Jan 13, 2018 at 0:22
  • 3
    @GabrielStaples I had the same confusion as you! Sublime Text 3 does have a "Row: /Col: " indicator - but it's sometimes hidden, e.g. if you have the Find box open and it has results. Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 10:52

Have a look at the GotoRowCol plugin, which lets you specify a row and column to go to.

For this plugin to be useful, you should really consider making a custom keyboard shortcut to execute it – it's covered in the readme.


You can use the shortcut Ctrl+G to open the jump to line dialog or by using the menu Goto->Goto Line...

I'm not aware of a jump-to-specific-column feature.

  • Actually you just have to add a colon followed by the column number to your input for Ctrl+G to got to a specific column. So to go to line 3 column 4 you just have to do Ctrl+G followed by entering 3:4 inside the dialogue box.
    – Ghos3t
    Commented Mar 8, 2018 at 10:33

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