I am getting the following error when creating an external switch on Hyper-V:

Hyper-V Error

I am running Windows 8.1 x64.

My switch settings are as follows:

External Switch Settings

Event viewer gives me the following errors in Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Hyper-V-VMMS in the order of logging:

1) Timed out trying to acquire network configuration lock, current owner = 'Binding Engine Task Queue Handler'.

2) Switch delete failed, switch = 'C8486DBE-CFB6-4355-99E3-19CD37C6D606': Operation times out (0x80041069).

3) Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.

  • did you solve this problem? I'm getting the same error and I have the same wireless network card :( Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 14:57
  • @andrecarlucci Sorry, no solution yet. I stopped using Hyper-V in the end. It would be nice to learn why this happened though...
    – rhughes
    Commented Jun 5, 2014 at 8:19

6 Answers 6


If you can't cretae external switch on Hyper-V.

First you need to create a new internal virtual switch.In order to do that, kindly follow the below steps.

Open the Hyper-V Manager and select your server.

In your Hyper-V Manager window, Top of the screen to the left side the second option is "ACTION". Click on ACTION.

In the ACTION tab now select "NEW VIRTUAL NETWORK" and "INTERNAL" and click on "OK".

In machine, Go to


Now locate the active Wireless network adapter and do RIGHT click on the "PROPERTIES"

Click on "SHARING" tab and check the box which has the option "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection".

Now go to Hyper-V manager and do "RIGHT" on the respective server and click on

SETTINGS ==> NETWORK ADAPTER ==> in virtual switch drop down choose the EXTERNAL VLAN (NAME YOU GIVEN) and enable the Virtual LAN identification.

  • What I got in the Network Adapter -> Virtual switch for the virtual machine is only the virtual switch I created (the internal one). I don't have the EXTERNAL VLAN switch you mentioned. Is it automatically created somehow? Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 6:20

1)Did you try launching Hyper-V Manager with Administrative rigths? .

2) Try closing the properties Windows because your network adapter might be running another instance which is making some conflicts

  • None of this helped in my case. I was surprised that I was able to create Internal Virtual Switch worked after I clicked Stop Service in Actions followed by Start Service
    – mlt
    Commented Jun 1, 2014 at 1:45

Do you already have a switch bound to that NIC? If you don't see it in the GUI use the nvspbind.exe tool at an elevated prompt as in this Microsoft Article.

Creating V-switches within the hyper-V environment fails

It will show you what virtual switches are attached to the NIC and allow you to unbind them.

  • nvspbind download located here
    – chue x
    Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 19:33

I think that is a problem with hyper-visors and bridging a wireless NIC, i have tried and never succeeded even on VMWare or VirtualBox. So no bridge on a wireless NIC on a Virtual Machine.

The solution is to create a loop-back interface on Windows and bridge that one with the VM, and then share the wireless connection with other interfaces on PC.


Coming from the related question here. I was able to reoslve my only similar but exact same error code problem by going on the vendor's website to get my specific and latest driver executable. Installed it, rebooted and gone! The probleme was gone.

Hope this helps.


This is what make it work for me.

Run command prompt as Admin and run "netcfg -d"

c:\> netcfg -d

then reboot, and the virtual is fine, and the above dialog working and let me make new virtual network

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